Sacred Valley
Today was our visit to Machu Picchu and it was nothing like I imagined. It completely blew my expectations away. We were able to go on the Winter Solstice which meant we would see things that happen only once a year. I went to the temple of the sun which is cool because only on the Winter Solstice does the sunlight pass through the trapezoidal window.
Immediately after that, I went below the temple and saw a small cave that is fully illuminated by sunlight only on the Winter Soltice
After touring Macchu Picchu I decided to try to hike with Dr. Brown to the summit. If you've never been to really high elevations, you think that you have the same mobility as back home. That is not true in Peru. After 20 minutes of hiking I decided to quit and head back. I made that decision because we have a long and tough hike tomorrow and I didn't want to exhaust all of my energy into today. That was still frustrating because I didn't get to see a rarely seen view of the world.

However today was still one of the best days of my life because I was able to see a place that I've wanted to see for a very long time. Can't wait to visit Huyna Picchu tomorrow.
This link fully describes the engineering marvel that is Macchu Picchu
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