Temple of the Sun (Saturday June 13, 2015) |
Today we visited the archaeological site of Pachacamac. Located approximately one hour Southeast of Jesus Maria (our district of residence), this rather small city consisted mainly of adobe and clay pyramidal structures. Though many of the buildings that once stood are now blown over by dirt, there still exists many interesting mathematically-precise architectural edifices yet to be discovered. This particular site was considered one of the most
important religious centers for the Incas.
North/South Street (Saturday June 13, 2015) |
When the Incas would conquer territory, they would do so peacefully and assimilate the conquered people into their own culture (note: only when the people did not resist were they peaceful in there conquer). On this particular site, I found several administrative-type buildings and one in which the people would manage local cults that resided at Pachacamac. It was interesting to note how those of different religions were able to live together in harmony during this period (1470-1533 A.D.).
Temple of the Sun (Saturday June 13, 2015) |
Cavillaca & Cuniraya Tale (Saturday June 13, 2015) |
What I found particularly intriguing was the legend behind the two islands just beyond the top of the city of Pachacamac (the top of Pachacamac is known as the Temple of the Sun--apparently human sacrifices have been discovered there). In a summarized version, the
story behind the islands involved a princess wanting nothing more than to weave underneath a lucumo tree. She rejected all her suitors, but one persistent fellow was so fixated on marrying her that he turned himself into a bird and placed his "seed" inside of a lucumo fruit. The princess ate this fruit and became pregnant with his child. After she gave birth and discovered who the man was, the princess refused to love him and instead jumped into the sea where she and her child were turned to stone.
Mis companeros de viaje (Saturday June 13, 2015) |
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